Join us for a FREE Training with Dr. Zachary Moon

Moral Injury & Complementary Healing Practices

During this time, Dr. Zachary Moon will reflect on moral injury from a spiritual and clinical perspective providing fresh insights into complementary practices for reparative work.  You will walk away with a deeper understanding of moral injury and a framework for addressing moral injury with individuals and groups.

When and Where:

Cheyenne, WY

March 24, 2025

Laramie Community College (LCCC)

1400 E. College Dr.

Cheyenne, WY

Helena, MT

March 26, 2025

Life Covenant Church

800 Hoback St.

Helena, MT

Outline of the Training:

8:00am – Coffee
8:30am – Welcome & Introductions
8:45am – Understanding Moral Injury
10:30am – Reparative Practices & Community-based Interventions
12:00 – Lunch on Your Own
1:30pm – Where the Rubber Meets the Road
2:30pm – Panel Discussion
3:30pm – Wrap Up

Zachary Moon Ph.D. serves as Professor of Theology and Psychology at Chicago Theological Seminary. He has published widely and is the author of four books, including Coming Home: Ministry That Matters with Veterans and Military Families, and Warriors between Worlds: Moral Injury and Identities in Crisis. Prior to his academic work, he served as a chaplain in multiple contexts with specialization in working with military personnel, veterans, and military families impacted by trauma and moral injury.

See you there!

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