Are you trying to find out now if you qualify for assistance? It’s quick and easy!
There are only three questions to Pre-qualify for the SSVF Program and it takes less than five minutes!
- Are you a veteran with one day of federal active duty with a discharge, DD214 that was NOT for dishonorable discharge?
- If you answered “Yes” than continue to the next question.
- If you answered “No” than unfortunately you do not qualify for the SSVF Program.
- Are you homeless or do you have a threat of homelessness/eviction notice?
- If you answered “Yes” than continue to the next question.
- If you answered “No” than unfortunately you do not qualify for the SSVF Program.
- Do you have 50% of income AMI (Area Median Income)?
- A) To find out go to this web site:
- B) Click “FY2024 Income limits”
- C) Click “FY 2024 Income Limits Documentation”
- D) then click on the button that says “Click Here for FY 2021 IL Documentation”
- E) First select the state you live in
- F) Then select the county that you live in
- G) Click “view county calculations”
If your income is “Lower” than the income limits by how many persons in the family than you qualify for the SSVF program.
If you Income is “Higher” than the income limits by how many persons in the family than unfortunately you do not qualify for the SSVF program.
Next Step
- If you answered “Yes” to questions one and two and your income is lower than the income limits for how many persons are in the family then you may qualify for the SSVF program to get started call 1.844.4.VOA.Vet
- If you answered “No” to questions one or two or your income is higher than the income limits for how many persons are in the family then unfortunately you do not qualify for the SSVF program.
Call Us Today!